
EV Charging Installations News

The push to roll out increasing numbers of EV charging stations sometimes means that not enough thought is given to the location of the EV charging areas, and also to the ramifications of what could happen in the event of EV battery fire.

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Winter Freeze Checklist News

At this time of year it’s a good time to check some of the equipment that will help keep your business going if the next few months deliver the usual mix of heavy rainfall, freezing temperatures, icy conditions and snowfall. Read our guidance for more information and download our Winter Freeze Checklist to help you prepare your business for winter.

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Drink Driving

Driving & the Festive Party Season News

Whilst the law has a legal limit on alcohol, numerous studies have concluded that any amount can impair your ability to drive. The only safe option is to avoid alcohol completely if you’re driving as even ‘just one drink’ could put you over the limit.

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Cyber Risks

Cyber Risks News

Cybersecurity Awareness Month has come to an end but it’s still important for business leaders to remember that the issues highlighted should go beyond October and form part of our day-to-day digital activity.

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Preparing for winter

Preparing for Winter News

As the seasons march inexorably towards winter, it’s a good time to start thinking about the increase in orders for liquid fuel ahead of the colder months, and how you can work with your drivers and internal teams to minimise the likelihood of Road Traffic Accidents and claims for spillage or crossover/contamination while still managing to complete your deliveries.

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